Moms and children gathered, chat and most importantly we all had a great time. At the end of the day we were all very happy with the fun and interesting houses that were made, some could not wait to destroy it and eat all of it while others preferred to save it for latter and show their master pieces to family and friends. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by so many great people that come together making our lives better.

What is the Story of the Gingerbread House, I guess it depends who you ask since we have found a number of versions, yet one things seems to be clear they are definitely an original American tradition. In Medieval England, “GingerBread” basically means to preserved ginger and before the 15th it was known not to be a sweet treat as it is well known now days.

As Christmas approaches Gingerbread is a common item on the menu or as part of a day activity and treat, the ginger root use for many other proposes including medicinal treatments seems to have it’s origins in China however it was soon expanded to many other countries and it is currently well known in most of the modern world.

There are recipes to make Gingerbread cookies including crunchy ones and soft ones made to different shapes and forms specially if one is considering making houses with the cookies.

People from all ages can have fun baking gingerbread cookies or making gingerbread houses and if not most likely that will enjoy eating the gingerbread creations. Give it a try and let share with us your makings, little ones come up with the most creative “gingerbread houses”, have FUN...
Happy Holiday Season to you my dear.