First of all if you have not heard about it, I should let you know that this is if not the largest then one of the largest Homeschool used books re-sales in Florida. We are honored and product to be a part of this ongoing ministers, a place where homeschoolers get together and help one another.

Thanks to the hard work of a few laddies, followed with many volunteers this ministry has been able to put together a yearly event for 14 years now, this year we had over 300 sellers.
The teamwork that goes on to put together this event is admirable. Its also great how we establish these connections with ladies (moms - homeschoolers) and we all end up looking forward to working together. We spend a few days organizing and then the actual sale date, these days we talk and share experiences while we put up books and arrange supplies and educational material.

Even though officially school starts for a child when they are 5 or 6 years of age depending on local legislations, one can start unofficially "Homeschooling" as early as you wish. This re-sale is sure to have for all ages and grades. Not to mention all items including books, hands on material, and others are organized by category, subject and grade level.