Still plenty of sings of Fall around the house, orange and leaves still decorate our table, yet now that Turkey Day is history and hopefully all the leftovers are gone for good we can say that officially Christmas season is here.

Don’t know in your house, but for us Christmas is the best and biggest holiday ever. Family comes together celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, honoring his name, and sharing wonderful traditions that have been passed from generation to generation. Christmas is a season of giving, a season to be grateful for all that we have. Also remember to seek someone in need and be that helping hand that is so much needed, we do not need plenty to be able to give some.
Teaching our children from early on to give without expecting, help without being asked, and just be there in a time needed is a lesson that we are proud to include in our home-school experience curriculum.

I have heard plenty of people talking about gifs and asking children what do they want for Christmas. While we agree that planing ahead is somewhat important, seeing how some young children are making these long list of very expensive items and almost to the point where they are demanding to get them as gift for Christmas, is not really our understanding of a good giving. Simple things can go a long way, learning to be appreciative for the simple or small things is a learning skill that endures for a life time and can help in the teaching of humbleness.
Let’s enjoy the Season!!