Back in November after a long conversation with my Friend Heather form The Homesteading Hippy we decided to start a Thankful Thursday, because there is always something we are thankful for, most of the time we do not express it out loud and this is a great way to do so.
I’m sure you know by now that we are hosting a #DisneySide @Home Celebration, and let me tell you that it’s been nothing but Disney around this house
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5099
It's Friday Again!
This is the last friday of the Month... What in the world happened to January?.
It's Party time, come and join us.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 7029
Here we are another week, and while going out late we are happy to say thank you. It's now Thankful Thursday time, on a weekly bases my friend Heather form The Homesteading Hippy and I come together to spread thankfulness, saying thank you is wonderful, hope you eventually join us.
Today we are Thankful for our ability, ability to what? ability to learn, to learn what? Many things but in particular one thing.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 4995
Friday is here, and so is the Follow Who!!
Had a great week?
Another week has gone by, and we are up for the weekend, are we ready?.
Thank you for visiting us today and for being a part of our online family and friends group. If you are one of our weekly visitors Double THANK YOU for that as well, this party is what it is because you are here. Let's make it even better this week.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5967
Here we are another week, and while going out late we are happy to say thank you. It's now Thankful Thursday time, on a weekly bases my friend Heather form The Homesteading Hippy and I come together to spread thankfulness, saying thank you is wonderful, hope you eventually join us.
Today as part of our Thankful Thursday we are saying thank you for Health…
Do you ever think about your healt in general?
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5067
Time to get social...
Ones again it's that time of the week. It's our pleasure to host and get Social with all our friends in this great online community.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5729
It's time for another Thankful Thursday, on a weekly bases my friend Heather form The Homesteading Hippy and I come together to spread thankfulness, saying thank you is wonderful, hope you eventually join us.
Today we would like to say thank you for Friends...
Friends can mean the world, while we may know many people and even call them Friends, who really are your friends?.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5479
It is officialy Friday!!
Hope you are having a lovely week.
The first full week of the year is almost gone!! What have you done to mark the year as a Great one?.
Thank you for visiting us today and for being a part of our online family and friends group. If you are one of our weekly visitors Double THANK YOU for that as well, this party is what it is because you are here. Let's make it even better this week.
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 6288
Thankful Thursday is here…
Hosted at 4 blogs!. it's great to be Thankful every day for everything that we have. It’s our pleasure to Feature this event with: Simply Living Simply, The Homesteading Hippy, and Life in the Faith Lane
I am thankful for books, yes books all in general. There are many types of books and yet we can all learn something from each and every one of them. Through books we have pass from generation to generation so much knowledge, learned about different cultures, we have enjoyed a story, learned about our history, and much more...
- Written by: Crafty Spices
- Hits: 5262
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