We are so excited to be a part of this Thanksgiving Progressive Dinner and featuring our Healthy Salad with Spinach Mangoes, Sweet Potatoes, and tasty flavors.
- 4 Cups of Spinach
- 2 tsp Freshly grounded Pink Salt
- 4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
- 2 Mangoes (one ripen and one half way)
- 1 Sweet potatoes
- 1 Cup dried cramberies
- 1 Cup Sliced Almonds
- 3/4 Cup Feta Cheese


- Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 C)
- Rince and air dry spinach
- Meanwhile, Cut and cube mangoes. Set aside
- Wash and peel sweet potato, then make very thin slices using a potato peeler. (some call it peeling)
- Place sweet potato slices in a baking pan and into the oven for about 8 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside
- Place spinach in a large serving bowl.
- Add all ingredients except almonds, EVOO and feta cheese
- Slitly fold in, mixing all ingredients together.
- Serve and lastly add Feta cheese and almonds
- Alternative Serving Option: Separate individual larger spinish leaves. Mix all ingredients except spinich, then plate large spinach and serve salad over each leaf. (See picture below, makes a great presentation)
This is it for our healthy: Thanksgiving Salad with spinach, mangoes and sweet potato.

Learning Time
Fun educational activities or questions to do with little ones while preparing this recipe.
- When ever we are making a meal or anything for that matter in celebration of a holiday we explain to the little ones the meaning of the holiday and why we celebrate it.
- Since this salad is for a Thanksgiving dinner we also made it while giving thanks for every ingredient that we included.
- Talking to children about the benefits of certain foods while making a meal is a great way to get them involve and interested.
- No only individual ingredients are good but in this case talking about why we eat salad.
- Spinich is a leave but not all leave can be eaten, this is very impotant to clarify to little ones.
Learning can be a great experience, don't pass an opportunity.
Enjoy and don't forget to have Fun!!
happy Thanksgiving to you as well :)